(347) 834-4182
I often get asked, "What are you looking for in your next role?" And my response is, "I want to be a part of a team of great people that do great things." In other words, I want to be a part of a team that shares my views on compassion and humanity yet subscribe to my type of craziness - I want to belong to something bigger than myself.
I have lived the type of life, that most people dream about. 15 years ago I moved to New York City. I decided I was gonna be on a Soap Opera - I got myself on one. I decided I was gonna become a writer - I wrote my way into a paid job in TV. I decided I was gonna be a frontman of a band - I took that band through to the finals of a battle of the band's competition. I decided I wanted to run a marathon - I ran one, well within my goal time.
And back to being a part of that team of great people doing great things - That one is still in progress. But, if it's not clear in this note, I'm the type of person that doesn't give up on stuff that I care about, no matter how challenging it may seem. In the spirit of teamwork, I'm guessing that's a good thing to be.